Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance and Poor Estrogen Processing

In the healthy woman, estrogen and progesterone (the two primary female reproductive hormones) exist in balance with one another.  Estrogen dominance occurs when estrogen is not balanced in the body with enough progesterone.  In this case there might be too much estrogen, too little progesterone, or both.  There are many different health scenarios that may lead to this imbalance.  Further, estrogen dominance is often closely associated with poor estrogen processing, which only adds to the problems and risks associated with estrogen dominance.  Poor estrogen processing occurs when estrogen is broken down in un-healthful ways while passing through the liver.  Estrogen dominance and poor estrogen processing are handled most effectively when a trained health care provider works to identify the probable causes of the estrogen dominance and/or poor estrogen processing and then corrects the problems associated with those specific causes.  Since the causes will vary from one woman to the next, optimal results will be achieved when each woman is treated as an individual.  

Symptoms Associated with Estrogen Dominance and Poor Estrogen Processing

Common symptoms of estrogen dominance and/or poor estrogen processing might include:  PMS, irregular or heavy menses, breast tenderness, fibrocystic or lumpy breasts, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids.

Risks Associated with Estrogen Dominance and Poor Estrogen Processing

Breast, ovarian, uterine and cervical health is at risk in the face of estrogen dominance and poor estrogen processing.  

Lab Tests and Imaging

Stool and urine laboratory testing is available to assist the health care provider in determining whether or not and to what degree a woman may be challenged with estrogen dominance and/or poor estrogen processing.  Imaging techniques such as mammography, ultrasound and thermography may assist the health care provider in determining what possible effects estrogen dominance and poor estrogen processing may be be having on breast health.

Non-Toxic Solutions

Establishing a proper balance between estrogen and progesterone while insuring that estrogen is being properly broken down in the liver is the most direct and effective way to support a woman facing estrogen dominance and poor estrogen processing.  Specific nutrients have been researched for their ability to target each underlying cause of estrogen dominance and poor estrogen processing.  Proper application of these nutrients will support a woman in her efforts to manage estrogen dominance and poor estrogen processing.  Further, establishing and maintaining optimal liver and digestive health serves to promote hormone health, and on a long term basis.

Because these supportive measures involve the use of nutritional supplements in lieu of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, their “side effects” include many other health-promoting benefits while simultaneously supporting hormone health.